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About Us was designed to help couples that are curious or really want to experience a threesome. It also helps singles that like hot couples and want to hook for 3 ways. We received so many requests from people asking us these questions and making requests like these all the time...

Whether you are a couple curious to have a menage a trios or a single person that wants to hook up with a hot couple for sexual relations, this is the place for you.

- Where is a safe place to meet very attractive people to get into a threesome?
- I'm single but really don't know where to meet a very open minded couple that wants to have a Menage a Trois.
- We are in a troubled relationship, at the end of our ropes and willing to try anything to make it work.
- As a couple we are interested in bringing in a third but they have to be super hot in be into us both."
- We wish we can choose from a selection of very hot girls to hook up with to make our relationship most interesting and fun.

So EliteMate decided to create an online dating site specifically designed to help these types of people come together and we called it ''. We decided to also create a 30 minute Online TV Show where selected couples choose from a vast selection of singles privately with interviews then meet them all in a real kinky live bar environment filming an interactive Reality Show to source the ultimate threesome. Good Times!

All couples selected to film '' receive $1000 - $500 each person. The single they select in the TV Show receives $500.

You can see the first 30 minute episode of and try the dating site totally free after you finish registering. It you want to appear on the show as a couple or single you must become a fully privileged paying member of the dating site, submit 3 photos and upload a video of your self. Our casting directors are looking for hot couples and singles to do appear on's next show. Register today! - An Elite Sex Life Begins Beyond Your Comfort Zone

We Source Elite Threesomes!

Naughty Hotties Match

Always communicate with all members using EliteMate's secured servers. Do not give out your personal email address, postal address, social security number, phone numbers, instant message handles or any piece of private information to any members ever. Take as long as you feel necessary to get to know members using all of its anonymous communication features (Email, IM, Chat, Astrology And Personality Matching, Video, Texting, Voice, Greeting Cards, Browser Winks). Utilize all of NaughtyHottiesMeet's and EliteMate's member privileges to communicate with other EliteMate members until you feel totally safe and secure. We highly recommend ALWAYS using NaughtyHottiesMeet site powered by to communicate with any NaughtyHottiesMeet members. Please review all of our safety tips here. All of the models appearing on are of paid actors. The testimonials are real from EliteMate members. We Simplify Threesomes